Oct. 7, 2021

Why Settle For Good, When God's BEST Is Available

Have you ever felt like all that you were doing was just enough to survive?

Do you have a calling in your life that God wants to use you, but feel like after some time those opportunities will never happen and you just settle into being a faithful Christian?

Does it feel like the calling has died?

In episode 42, I am going to share with you about the Shunamite woman and Elisha and how God doesn’t want you to settle for good, but to seek and hold onto what is His Best for your life.

Our settling for good, isn't God's Best!

 2 Kings 4:8-37 - Elisha and the Shunammite woman. Elisha Raises the Shunammite’s Son

God's promise and His resurrected promise

God can answer your prayer and even meet the needs that you don't take about, but know that you need.

How many times has someone asked you “How are things?” or “How are you doing?” and you just say “I am good.” Even when you know that you are dealing with something, but don’t want to share. 

Has someone asked you about a need and they were willing and able to help provide for that need; but you didn’t want to share or say what you really needed?

Down the road as time passes, the dream or promise may feel like it is dying or is dead, but God can resurrect that promise that He gave you in a prodigal child, a job, financial needs, overcoming an addiction and restoring a marriage that is facing divorce.

To have a resurrection you have to die, usually to self. This is represented when we get baptized in that it represents the killing of the old man of flesh and resurrected in the new man in Christ.

What dream or purpose has God given you that needs to be resurrected?

There is a time that the children of Israel were given the promise of Canaan, but wandered in the wilderness for 40 years and many felt that the promise had died as many of them had died in the wilderness. Even once in the Promise Land there still had to fulfill the promise and God provided their every need.

In Genesis, Joseph had his dreams and felt like they were dead when his brothers sold him. Then later when Potiphar had him thrown in prison. There was a time that he helped translate the dreams of the butler and baker that were in prison with him and he told the butler that when you are restored in position to Pharaoh to remember me. At this moment he was trying to fix it himself and not rely on God.

Abraham and Sarah were given a promise of having a child. After waiting years they got to the point of having a child through Haggai, but that was not God’s Best for them.

In John Bevere’s Book, “Good or God” he talks about what may be good and created by God isn’t always God’s best for us. He shares how when God created the Garden of Eden he told Adam and Eve that they could eat from every tree except from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. God created it and it was a good thing, but it wasn’t the best that God had for them.

Back in episode 15 titled “In times of testing, Winners never Quit.” I shared how I felt that God was calling me to ministry and I thought that the way to do that was to get ordained through the denomination that we were in at that time. After the process, I walked away feeling defeated because I knew that it wasn’t the direction God had for me and my family. It took time, but I learned that this was what I thought I needed to do, which is a good thing, but it wasn’t God’s best for me and the calling He has for me.

2 kings 8:1 - 6

Ephesians 3:20 - Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we ask or think.