Sept. 23, 2021

Why God Wants You To BE STILL And WAIT!

What is that one thing that you pray for when going through a trial or dealing with a situation or person that just seems to test your limits?


It seems like everyone is in a hurry everywhere you look.

If you are like me, you want to have an answer or solution to any problem that may arise. And if you don’t, you want to find it as quickly as possible. How many times have you gone to YouTube to find a video to fix a problem with an appliance, vehicle or electronic device? Maybe you went to Google to search a question of how or why this problem is happening?

We are in a day and time now that everything is at a speed that we expect what we want to come in quick and timely manner. We are living in a fast food, microwave, and amazon time that if we don’t get it our way in 5 minutes, 30 minutes or next day delivery, we get frustrated that it isn’t here fast enough.

You may be going through a trial and you have prayed and it feels like God hasn’t answered your prayer. Maybe His answer was “Not at this Time, WAIT.”

Most of us, including myself  hate to hear that word, “WAIT”

Look at some of the saints in the Bible, like Abraham and Sarah; Joseph, Moses, David and Noah that had to wait years to see the fulfillment of God's promise given to them.

What does “be still” mean?

It means to stand respectfully motionless, halt, quiet, calm, tranquil, devoid of motion.

Waiting means to await, hope, be patient, look forward to and tarry.

God wants that for us in that when we wait in faith we are expressing our confidence in Him, even in those times of trial and uncertainty. Especially if we have a feeling of urgency.

Many times we want to rush and find a solution, which isn’t always a bad thing, but there are times that God wants us to stop and rest and put our faith and dependence on Him and know that He will provide and make a way, when all else seems hopeless.

God is wanting us to “Be Still” and listen to Him. Just as He told Elijah on the mountain. God wasn’t in the wind, the earthquake or fire, but in a still small voice. So many times we get caught up in our daily lives and activities that we don’t take the time to listen to what God has for us each and every day. Whether it is first thing in the morning or at night before you go to bed you need to take that time to stop and listen to what God is saying to You. We get caught up with things that become like static noise and can be so overpowering that we can’t focus or hear what God is wanting to show us. 

So take that time as you thank Him each day for what He has done or is doing in your life, even if is seems like you are going through that valley or wilderness and feels like there is no hope or help in sight; but that in those times God is taking you to a place to stop and rest and put you complete faith and trust in Him.

Scripture references:
Psalms 46:10
Psalms 40:1-3
Psalms 37:7,9,34
Psalms 27;14
Exodus 14:13
Isaiah 8:17
Isaiah 30:18
Isaiah 40:31
Matthew 11:28
James 1:2-4
James 5:7-8