God's Masterpiece

In episode 9, I share with you how a Rembrandt, a skit and a verse in Ephesians showed me how God sees me, and how He sees you. So many times you and I have probably heard someone or even ourselves say that "You are junk, no good, or worthless"; but God doesn't see us that way.

Scriptures mentioned in this episode:

Ephesians 2:10
Job 27:3
Job 33:4
Genesis 2:7
Jeremiah 18:4
Proverbs 17:3
Isaiah 48:10
Malachi 3:2-3
Psalms 66:10
Isaiah 64:8
Romans 9:20-21

Old Testament spiritual gifts for special skills - Foundations of Pentecostal theology

The Singular Origin of a Christian Man - sermon by C.H. Spurgeon 

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