Dec. 2, 2021

Reflecting On Podcast Highlights

In this episode, I wanted to take some time and go back over several of the previous episodes that I have done and share some highlights from a few guests. I will be doing this over the next few episodes just as a reflection of the different guests that I have had so far and just do a small retrospective look at key moments that stood out to me with the guests that I have had, and highlight those moments to help encourage you from these previous episodes.

Segment #1- Lee Grady and the 4 hats of a mentor
Segment #2- Eddie Taylor shared the Acronym F. A. T. (Faithful, Available & Teachable) for what to look for in a mentor or disciple.
Segment #3- Jody Burkeen shares the 7 areas in a man's life that they can be spiritually weak in.
Segment #4- Desmond Frey answers the question "What is the #1 tip that you can give other men as they mentor and disciple other men?
Segment #5- Pastor Joaquin Molina shared the effects of defective and absent fathering in society.
Segment #6- Doug Stringer talked about the 4 areas that the Church has had to overcome for the past 2,000 years.
Segment #7- Paul Cole discussed the definition of Manhood and Maturity.