Jan. 23, 2025

Priceless: Knowing Your Value

What determines the value of an item?

Does the item have cracks, dents or flaws?
Two people may look at the same object and see the same issues, but while one feels this makes it worthless another may embrace the uniqueness and feel it is worth more than it was originally.

D to you see yourself or feel others see you as "JUNK"?

There are examples in the Bible of men that either felt this way or others felt that way about them.
Judges 6:11-23 - God calls Gideon 
1 Samuel 16:1-13 - Samuel anoints David as King

Collecting Baseball card as kid growing up and how the value of cards have changed over the years.


  •  People bid on items based on the appraised value and what they are willing to pay for it.
  • Ebay- people post items they wish to sell and you can either buy the item at the listed price, make an offer for what you feel it is worth, or bid on the item with others, like an auction, to see who wins the item to purchase.
  • Sudden Death - a set time limit, no added time or delays to allow other bids to be placed, that the last bid in wins. 

Art of Kintsugi:
Dr. Doug Stringer wrote and article about the "Art of Kintsugi".  He explains that in Japan when someone breaks a cup or dish, they don't throw it away but take it to a craftsman that repairs the broken item. The art of Kintsugi is to use gold or silver to fill in the cracks. Over time the item may be repaired several times and have a very unique design that makes it more valuable now that when it was originally created.

"The Art of Kintsugi is the ability to see value in brokenness." - Dr. Doug Stringer

Sudden death moment when Satan thought he had Jesus and mankind defeated when Jesus went to the Cross; but Jesus had the final maximum bid that Satan couldn't match when He said "IT IS FINISHED!"

Ephesians 2:10 -
His Workmanship (Masterpiece)

Broken Clouds by Tellsonic

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00:00 - Introduction

01:13 - What determines the value of an item?

02:14 - Are you junk?

02:40 - Gideon

04:24 - King David anointed by Samuel

05:34 - Collecting baseball cards

07:26 - Auctions

08:26 - Sudden Death auctions

09:29 - Art of Kintsugi

11:48 - Closing/Outro