Aug. 26, 2021

Jeff Zaugg: Adding Life To The DAD Life

Jeff Zaugg is the founder and host of the Dad Awesome podcast. Jeff started the podcast three and a half years ago after seeing friends go through great pains with their family and kids from broken marriages. 

Jeff is married to his wife, Michelle, for over 15 years and they have 4 daughters ranging in age from 8 years old to 3 months old.

It was through seeing this pain that sparked a passion to help those hurt by a fatherless issue. He shares that pain is part of our story, but isn't something that we should pass on to our children.

As a result, he wanted to help find ways that we as men can stay intentional in this area of fatherhood.  As a dad, we need to be fully present and taking the time to compound interest in the dad life, much like investing with stocks.

Jeff shares the framework of unpacking the meaning of the tagline -"Adding life to the dad life".
L- Loved (I am Loved - our identity as sons of God)
I- Intentional ( Taking the effort to spend time and interact with our children)
F- Freedom ( Not passing on the hurts and pains) Hebrews 12:1-2
E- Enjoyment of Life ( Feeling follows focus to pass on life, love, callings, identity, affirmation and destiny instead of hurts and pains.)

The Father for the Fatherless is a bike rally that started as a small group to challenge men to do something difficult and allow God to speak to them through it. The secret mission of F4F is to awaken a generation of dads to the fact that we are living as if we are the fatherless and that many are living as if fatherless. The goal it to help encourage  men to make that deposit into others and encourage change in a positive trajectory, while raising money to help local and global organizations such as the Venture Orphanage in SE Asia.
