April 2, 2020

GO! The Great Commission

GO!  The Great Commission

I will be discussing the fulfilling of Matt.28:18-20 and Jesus command to his disciples to GO and make disciples.

Matt. 28.18-20
In a sense it was Jesus giving His last will and testament to the disciples.
John 14;16 - "Be endued with power of the Holy Spirit."

Jesus didn't have a Plan "B".

Quote by Glenn Shaeffer -" The driving force of the Great Commission springs from the heart of God (John 3:16). Disciples are sent out to accomplish what God had started in the sending of His Son(John 20':21). The Great Commission is accomplish through:
-witnessing (Acts 1:8)
-preaching (Mark 16:15)
-baptizing (Acts 8:35-40)
- teaching (Matt. 28:20)
Replicate ourselves in the lives of those who respond to the Good news(Gospel) and the Holy Spirit empowers those who witness.It is to be shared with all people, for all are sinners (Romans 3:23)

Not everyone is called to be an evangelist, preacher or missionary; but we are all called to share the gospel. (1 Peter 4:10)
Taking the gospel to all regions.
Jerusalem to Nazareth 70 miles
Jerusalem to Capernaum 90 miles

Tsavah- Greek translation which means to command or charge.
Moses spoke this to Joshua when he appointed him to lead the children of Israel into the Promise Land.
Example of a charge were also Ezekiel  and John the Baptist by the Holy Spirit, and God with Adam in the Garden of Eden.

Moving from a Centripetal force (a continuous circular motion) to a centrifugal force (an outward pushing force) of the christians in sharing the gospel.

The conversion of Paul and taking the gospel even further to Rome (1400 miles away from Jerusalem). 
Romans 1:8
Colossians 1:6
Ephesians 2:22