What determines the value of an item? Does the item have cracks, dents or flaws? Two people may look at the same object and see the same issues, but while one feels this makes it worthless another may embrace the uniqueness a...
Go The Distance: 1 Kings 19:1-8 - Elijah flees to Horeb Verse 9-18 - God appears to Elijah Vs. 13- when Elijah heard God whisper to him, he hid his face in his cloak(mantle). Elijah meets Elisha. Elijah throws his cloak on E...
We tend to associate ourselves with a college team, pro team or any sports team that we are a fan of; but does that really identify who we are? We see people, in today’s society, questioning their very identity. They want to ...
It is through God’s divine guidance that God's shows us the path that He has for each individual's life. This guidance comes from being discipled. This can be as a child and your parents teaching you the “rights and wrongs” f...
So often we feel it is easy to purchase that new home or car and not worry about the cost, but then the first payment comes or a costly repair and your appreciation for that item diminishes. How about with your marriage? Or e...
The 318 Project is taking a short mid-season break. I recently took on a new role in the Fire Department and my schedule is changing from a 24/48 schedule to a Monday-Friday routine. Because of this change and going through t...
Do you remember in school when a classmate would whisper or make a noise just loud enough to get your attention while hoping that the teacher did not hear it? Maybe you remember when your wife, an old girlfriend or even that ...
Did your parent ever tell you to "Don't throw the ball in the house"? What Happened when you disobeyed and broke a bowl, plate, or special figurine? Did you try to hide what you did by gluing the broken pieces back together? ...
What does it look like to have an encourager in your life? We all want to have people that will speak life and encouragement to us when we are going through a trial or crisis. Does that person have a selfish or selfish agenda...
Do you have an armorbearer? In the Bible, you only see an armor bearer mentioned in the Old Testament, but the same duties and responsibilities continue on even today. An armor bearer was a young man that would carry the weap...
You and I have seen so many types of relationships and the different ways men and women have shown love for each other. Some have been healthy relationships and marriages that worked, while there have been harmful ones where ...
We have all probably grown up with the James Bond movies and the image of the character that is presented with him. If you are like me, you probably even saw yourself as the suave, debonair, mysterious man who got all the gor...
In this episode, my guest host Cliff Hare shares a message about the Five sins that kept the children of Israel out of Canaan. It is those same five sins that can keep you and I from reaching God's Promise Land that He has fo...
This is the third episode in a series that I am highlighting segments from guest of previous episodes that I interviewed. In this final series my guest talk about restoration of their marriage, programs that help young men an...
In this episode, I am featuring guests that shared their testimony or a point that truly stood out and helped them in their life. I have take a segment from seven guest that I felt stood out from those previous podcast episod...
In this episode, I wanted to take some time and go back over several of the previous episodes that I have done and share some highlights from a few guests. I will be doing this over the next few episodes just as a reflection ...
What is your first thought when you think back to school and having to take History? Did you enjoy learning about the history of your country and the people back then? Or did you dread it and feel that history was nothing mor...
Do you remember as a kid when your parents sent you to do a chore or task? Maybe you thought, "I'm the favorite if they asked me to do this", or "they don't like me if I have to do this chore"? Probably once you were old enou...
Have you had those moments in your life where it felt like everything was going the wrong way? You were serving God and being faithful, yet it felt like every step forward in your walk with Christ resulted in what seemed like...
Have you ever felt like all that you were doing was just enough to survive? Do you have a calling in your life that God wants to use you, but feel like after some time those opportunities will never happen and you just settle...
What is that one thing that you pray for when going through a trial or dealing with a situation or person that just seems to test your limits? PATIENCE! It seems like everyone is in a hurry everywhere you look. If you are lik...
When we hear the word Crisis it is usually in the form of economic, environmental, the oil crisis, the crisis in the Middle East, a marital crisis or the ever popular Mid-Life Crisis. Most times when we hear these words it ha...
Jeff Zaugg is the founder and host of the Dad Awesome podcast. Jeff started the podcast three and a half years ago after seeing friends go through great pains with their family and kids from broken marriages. Jeff is married ...
Jay Parker shares his testimony from growing up in a rough environment in Yonkers, New York, where he was raised by a abusive and drug addicted father after his alcoholic mother left when he was 8 yrs. old. After giving his l...