Nov. 4, 2021

Clifford Hare: Sent By The Father

Do you remember as a kid when your parents sent you to do a chore or task?

Maybe you thought, "I'm the favorite if they asked me to do this", or "they don't like me if I have to do this chore"?

Probably once you were old enough to drive they asked you to run errands for them.

Do you feel the same way when God wants you to do something for Him?

Clifford Hare, President of Faithful Men Ministries, talks about how God used certain men and how their natural  fathers sent them for an assignment.

In Genesis chapter 37, we see that Jacob loved his son Joseph. Jacob made him a coat and it even says in the chapter how he was his favorite and had him go check on his brothers.

Then in 1 Samuel chapters 16 &17 we see the opposite. Jesse had several sons including David and when the prophet Samuel came to anoint the next king, Jesse didn't even consider David and had him out in the field watching the sheep.

Later you see that Jesse does send David also to check on his brothers when Israel was battling the Philistines and how God used David to defeat Goliath.

In Matthew chapter 21, Jesus tells the parable of the evil vinedressers and how the owner of the fields left them to harvest the field and after he had sent several servants to get the harvest from them, he decided to send his son, who they then killed.

 So how does that apply to us with God?

In Galatians 4 verses 4 through 7 it tells you and me that we have become son's of God through the inheritance and adoption through faith in Jesus; and that we aren't just heirs, but joint-heirs with Christ.

God is sending each of us to further His Kingdom. Just as Jesus told the disciples in Matthew 28 verses 19 & 20 that we are to Go forth and make disciples and share the Gospel in the Great Commission.

God will remind you that you were created for such a time as this and that He has a purpose and plan for each of us. You may feel that you aren't smart enough, strong enough or talented as others that you see, but God has a specific plan for you .

Even when others will reject you and it may feel tough, sometimes He requires us to get out of our comfort zones to do what He has called us to do.

Genesis 37:3
1 Samuel Chapter 16 & 17
Matthew 21:33-45
Galatians 4:4-7
Romans 8:16-17
Matthew 28:19-20