Dec. 30, 2021

A Time Of Reflection Pt. 2

This is the third episode in a series that I am highlighting segments from guest of previous episodes that I interviewed.

In this final series my guest talk about restoration of their marriage, programs that help young men and women, helping overcome the struggles of depression, understanding the gifts and anointing of the Holy Spirit,  help men and dads add "Life" to their children by being intention with their involvement and finally about a Father's Affirmation.

Segment #1- Bett Harvey shares about Men's Encounter North. He also talks about how God saved his life and marriage through a men's Bible study and a book "Maximized Manhood" by Dr. Edwin Louis Cole.

Segment #2- Tony Rorie talks about the Men and Ladies of Honor program that he started as a school principle to help troubled kids and to instill honor, respect, courage and chivalry in a strong character.

Segment #3-  Dr. Rob Carman shares about the struggles society has with depression and how the toxicity of the mind with the trash we see and hear impacts us to the point of breaking and how to clear those thoughts by praying and reading God's Word.

Segment #4- Pastor David Bendett talks about how we as Christians can and should allow the gifts of the Holy Spirit to operate in our lives.

Segment #5- Jeff Zaugg tells about the framework he developed after he had done 100 episodes of his podcast, Dad Awesome. He uses this to help men and father be intentional in adding Life to the Dad Life.

Segment #6- Cliff & David Hare share about what a Father's Affirmation means and the impact it can have on a child's life. They talk about even in times of feeling as a failure as a parent can still have a positive impact on a child's life.

Transition music provided by Epidemic Sound.
Title of the transition sound is "Make the Call" by Jay Varton