Dec. 16, 2021

A Time Of Reflection

In this episode, I am featuring guests that shared their testimony or a point that truly stood out and helped them in their life.

I have take a segment from seven guest that I felt stood out from those previous podcast episode interviews. 

Some of them will be about how God saved their lives and marriages, while others are sharing a point of transition with work and ministry.

Segment #1- Todd Smith and how his boys responded during the divorce and restoration of his marriage.

Segment #2 - Chris Newton shares about the darkest moment but how he still saw the presence of God on his life and his Road to Damascus encounter with God.

Segment #3 - Jay Parker shares how God saved his life and marriage through a phone call to his wife on Mother's Day that led him to going to church with her that day and being delivered from drugs and alcohol.

Segment #4 - Mick Moffitt shares the 7 pillars that he God gave him to structure on helping fire recruits understand what describes the character of a person.

Segment #5- Shaun Miles talks about finding a peace through the fear of death and being alone; and that our lives are in God's hands and how He wants us to finish strong.

Segment #6 - Paul & Maria Muzichuk both share how they each processed dealing with advice of holding onto faith after being told that their son was diagnosed with Autism.

Segment #7 -  Betty King shares about a wife's perspective of men's ministry and how it not only benefits the man, but the wife and children.